Photo series: List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world

The Estrilidae family includes small, beak-shaped birds suitable for eating seeds, often colorful, very gregarious, distributed in the tropical region of Asia – Africa – Australia. Lista de las aves migratorias más interesantes del mundo – The Daily Worlds

Photo: eBird.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

The taeniopygia guttata is 10 cm long and is a bird native to the dry climates of Australia. Growing well in artificial environments, they have become a popular ornamental bird around the world.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Java finches (Lonchura oryzivora) are 16 cm long and are native to the islands of Bali and Java, Indonesia. Although kept as pets in many places, this bird is endangered in the wild due to overhunting and farmers destroying it to protect crops.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Uraeginthus ianthinogaster is 14 cm long and distributed in East Africa. This bird that lives in dry forests belongs to a genus of impressive blue migratory birds.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Mandingoa nitidula, 10 cm long, distributed from west to south Java. The birds that reside in these bushes have a secretive lifestyle and are more difficult to see than other migratory birds.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Estrilda astrild is 10 cm long and common throughout Africa. Like its relatives in the genus Estrilda, this bird lives in flocks, works non-stop in open areas and specializes in eating grass seeds.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Blue-winged migratory bird (Pytilia melba) 12 cm long and distributed in Africa. The males of this species of bird have brighter colors than the females. They are often parasitized by the indigo bird of paradise (Vidua paradisaea).

Lista de las aves migratorias más interesantes del mundo – The Daily Worlds

The red-throated bluebird (Erythrura psittacea) is 12 cm long and is distributed from Southeast Asia to the Pacific Islands. The preferred habitat of this strikingly colored bird is grasslands.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Erythrura gouldiae is 14 cm long and distributed in northern Australia. This brightly colored, endangered bird leads a nomadic lifestyle. Males have a red or black face.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Amadina fasciata is 12 cm long and common in African dry forests. The male of this bird has a blood-red spot under the neck. They usually appear near residential areas.

List of the most interesting migratory birds in the world – The Daily Worlds

Lonchura punctulata is 12 cm long and common in South and Southeast Asia. Males and females of this species are difficult to distinguish due to similarities in appearance.

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